Landlords: Are You Taking All Your Tax Deductions?
15 Tax Deductions For Landlords
The following is not to be considered…

Phoenix Area Real Estate Is On The Grow In 2017!
Where industry goes, so do jobs, the people to fill those jobs…

Chandler & Gilbert Rank Tops In USA For Home Ownership
According to Business Insider, two cities in the Phoenix area…

Bank Owned Properties, HUD Homes, & Short Sales
Get it while it's hot!
Clients of Arizona Investment…

When The Real Estate Market Crashed
by Jason LaFlesch
Dear Ladies and Gents,
As real…

Flip & Fix Strategy
Are you a savvy or new real estate investor that would like to…

Results Realty’s Buy and Hold Strategy
As the Arizona housing market continues to turn homeowners into…

How to buy a home at auction for yourself or investment
Cheap bidding services & do it yourself rehabs can…